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Waterproof packaging charging method

In April 2019,the plastic wrap-like material used in the “waterproof packaging” seervice has been able to calculate the price through the system, making the billing model more accurate and transparent.

Users can choose the materials used in the “waterproof packaging” service when submitting the package, which can effectively reduce some of the problems that may be caused by the package during transportation.

If the user is transported by sea, it is recommended to use the “waterproof packaging” service to protect your package.

Example Actual Weight(KG) Volume&Weight(KG) Billing method Charges(RM)
1 1.0 3.0 3/3=1 1.5
2 6.5 10.75 10.75/3=3.58
(Will be calculated as 4)
3 19.5 8.5 8.5/3=2.83
(Will be calculated as 3)
4 15.0 22.5 22.5/3.5=6.43
(Will be calculated as 7)

If the volume weight is less than 20kg, the volume weight will be divided by 3, and the excess is 3.5.

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